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Historical Binat Bibi Mosque of Narinda in the capital

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 26 June 2015 Christ, 12 Ashad 1422 Bengal, 8 Ramadan 1436 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Binod Bibi mosque

The picture you are looking at is the Binat Bibi Mosque in Narinda, the capital of Dhaka. This Binat Bibir Mosque of Narinda has got the status of Dhaka's first mosque.

This mosque was established in 861 Hijri 1457 AD. That is, the mosque belongs to the Sultanate period. Historian Ahmad Hasan Dani wrote in this context that it was built during the reign of Nasir Uddin Mahmud (1435-1459 AD) during the Sultanate period. This mosque on Narinda Road was built by Marhamat's daughter Musammat Bakhat Binat. Originally, the mosque was named Binat Bibi Mosque after him.

On one of the two domes of the mosque, the year of the original building is also written. According to another dome inscription, the building was first renovated in 1337 Bangabd or 1930 AD. In that sense it is a historical mosque.

Source: Courtesy of

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