The Dhaka Times
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26 people sleep in a small bedroom!

The Dhaka Times Desk This is not the story of 50 people in a car, this time there is news of 26 people sleeping in a small bedroom!

small bedroom 26 people

It may seem surprising but the truth is that 26 people live in a small 3 bedroom house. But maximum 7 people are supposed to stay there. This is the case in Eastham, Newham, London. Newham is the most densely populated area in the UK.

According to media reports, the scheduled date of inspection of this house by the Bara officials was on June 25, but they appeared at the house on Friday, June 19. And in this special operation, they found 26 people piled up in one room.

It is known that the bathroom in that house is also broken. There is not much furniture. The environment is also unhealthy. Electrical connections are very dangerous. Bara officials said that it is completely unsuitable for living.

According to media reports, a class of owners who are used to earning from house rent are said to be responsible for such unethical activities. The owners have been pursuing their interests by collecting rent at various rates from the residents. In today's modern world that is unimaginable.

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