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A strange creature that looks like a human was found in the African jungle!

The Dhaka Times Desk God created 18 thousand creations. But the best man in creation. Recently, a strange creature that looks like a human was found in the African jungle!

Africa Creature looks like a man

God created 18 thousand creations. But the best man in creation. Recently, a strange creature that looks like a human was found in the African jungle! These creatures look a lot like humans. Their hair, hands and feet are similar to humans. But they have tails. Body parts also look like humans.

Africa Creature looks like a man-2

The great creator created 18 thousand creations. Each organism has different characteristics. Among these recently found in the jungles of Africa, these creatures are similar to humans.

Africa Creature looks like a man-3

Everyone is surprised to see these creatures. Everyone says, is it possible? This is also a Leela of the creation world - it is supposed to be like that. However, researchers are not sitting still. They are researching these humanoid creatures. Hope he gets something!

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