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92-year-old woman in the womb of the fetus mummy!

Doctor Examining an Elderly Patient

The Dhaka Times Desk No one ever thought that a 92-year-old woman might be carrying a fetus. But another reason to be shocked is that the fetus is not just a fetus, it is a mummy of a fetus!

Doctor Examining an Elderly Patient
Doctor Examining an Elderly Patient

No one ever thought that a 92-year-old woman might be carrying a fetus. But another reason to be shocked is that the fetus is not just a fetus, it is a mummy of a fetus!

The incident is from Chile. A 92-year-old woman there has broken her back. Relatives took him to the hospital. Thinking about the pain, the doctors allowed X-rays and other necessary tests. But the problem happened elsewhere. Because while reporting the broken bones, found the 'mummy' fetus! Grandsons were standing outside the 'X-ray' department. Taking the report in hand, everyone was shocked by what the doctor said

92-year-old woman's womb and fetal mummy-2

The doctor said, 'The old man's back injury is not that serious. But there is a dead fetus in his body! For more than 50 years, this old woman has been carrying the fetus weighing about 2 kilograms! The fetus died after 7 months of growth in her womb. Then the embryo freezes like lime outside the uterus. There is supposed to be intense pain in such incidents. But the old lady never felt any pain. That is why he did not even notice the existence of the fetus.

According to news media, after the 'hip' X-ray report of this Chilean woman was published last Friday, expert doctors said that this case is rare in the history of medical science. In medical terms, it is called 'lithopedion'. The doctors have claimed that no trace of the fetus has been found for a long time due to no physical examination.

The old woman returned home from the hospital with her children and grandchildren along with the mummified fetus. He said, 'He's not giving me any trouble, so there's no need to remove him by operation.' The family informed the media about such comments of the old lady. References:

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