Categories: general

Heart patients can also fast

The Dhaka Times Desk When fasting comes especially those who are sick get worried because fasting may cause them problems. Again, not fasting means making obligatory taraq. So what do they do?

Especially the question arises whether heart patients can fast. In this regard, Sir Salimullah Medical College Mitford Hospital Assistant Professor of Cardiology Dr. Khandaker Asaduzzaman said, 'In a word, there is no problem for heart patients to fast. Rather, fasting is better for the body.' Studies have shown that fasting can control high blood pressure. It also controls blood cholesterol levels and diabetes. And so fasting is not bad for the body but beneficial.

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Doctors say that high blood pressure is not a hindrance to fasting, but patients with high blood pressure must change the dosage of medicine during fasting through the doctor. Apart from the medicines which are to be taken 3 times a day, you can take medicines which can be taken once a day. If you tell your doctor, he will prescribe you a medicine that you take once a day.

According to media reports, patients with angina pectoris, heart attack and even those with coronary artery rings can fast during Ramadan. For this you will have to change the dosage of the medicine. If you must take aspirin, take it at bedtime. Omeprazole can be taken if acidity problem occurs.

During this summer, the humidity of the country is very high. That's why we sweat a lot. Many heart patients require diuretics such as frusemide, spironolactone, tolazemide etc. These drugs remove water from the body. With sweating, this drug can cause problems due to excessive water loss from the body. For example, dry palate is more common in heart patients. It is better not to take this medicine during fasting with the advice of your doctor. If it has to be consumed, the dose of the medicine should be reduced. Take such medicines after evening due to fasting.

The doctors said that if suddenly the systolic blood pressure is more than 180 mm Hg and the diastolic blood pressure is more than 110 mm Hg while fasting, then the fast should be broken and medicine should be taken as advised by the doctor.

If you experience shortness of breath and chest pain after fasting, then it is better not to fast. If there is kidney problem along with high blood pressure, a kidney specialist can be consulted for fasting. However, hypertensive patients who are breastfeeding can also fast without any problem.

In case of fasting, it is better for people with heart disease not to eat fried rice at Iftar. Do not overeat. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. You can eat more dates, the main fruit of fasting. Drink more water. But in no case do not change the dosage of the medicine yourself.

In case of fasting, take measures with doctor's advice. Then you will be freed from the guilt of not fasting this Ramadan.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৫, ২০২২ 12:53 pm

Staff reporter

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