The Dhaka Times
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A strange river: the skeleton if you dive!

The Dhaka Times Desk A strange river has been discovered. If you dive into the river, you will become a fleshless skeleton! Is this even possible?


We can never imagine that a river where one has to go down to bathe and become a skeleton! A river that you dive into and come out with nothing on - just bones. The fact is surprising, but there is actually a river in Spain, where if you dive, you will become a skeleton.

It is really surprising to read such news published in the media. It is known that the water of this river named 'Rio Tinto' in Spain is very acidic (pH-1.7-2.5) which is rich in heavy metals. The water of that river contains a lot of ferric iron. That is why the river water is very dangerous. Due to this river, many villages in the country have to be relocated. Not only this, this river has also swallowed several entire mountains. This river flows through the southwest of Spain and originates in the mountains of Andalusia. It is known that this river has originated during mining. Copper has been mined here for about 5,000 years.

The pattern of excavation of this river means that the river is so spectacular that you will feel like you are on the moon. However, no matter how beautiful it looks, if you touch it, it is a great danger! You will have no flesh on your body. Must return as a skeleton.

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