The Dhaka Times
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Improvement in the condition of Nayakraj Razzak

The Dhaka Times Desk Nayakraj Razzak's condition has improved due to the prayers of countless fans. He can talk now.

Razzak Improve health

Nayakraj Razzak is currently on the road to recovery. His physical condition is much better than before. He is breathing normally. Also talked to family members. His ventilation mask and life support were removed around noon yesterday, July 2. Razzak's elder son Bapparaj confirmed this information to the media.

Bapparaj told the media, 'His condition is much better than before. Father will be taken home from the hospital only when he is physically healthy.'

At 11.30 pm on 27th due to severity of respiratory distress and decrease in oxygen content in blood, ventilation service was given with the help of artificial respiration. Two days later, he was placed on life support when his blood pressure, blood oxygen, carbon dioxide and urine volume and levels went out of control.

His relatives and countless fans are relieved to hear that Nayakraj Razzak is recovering and returning home soon.

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