Categories: international news

1 lakh tons of gold found in Jharkhand!

The Dhaka Times Desk 1 lakh tons of gold found in Jharkhand. The Geological Survey of India has found this huge deposit of underground gold in Tamar area, very close to Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand.

1 lakh tons of gold found in Jharkhand. The Geological Survey of India has found this huge deposit of underground gold in Tamar area, very close to Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand.

According to media reports, it was known earlier that there is a large amount of gold stored underground in Jharkhand. The matter of having this huge gold stock came up once before. A few days ago, GSI tests showed signs of a large amount of gold under Tamar's soil. The Geological Survey of India has almost confirmed that possibility for the second time.

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GSI scientists believe that at least 100,000 tonnes of gold is stored underground in the area. The estimated value of which is 25 thousand crore rupees. They have already started the idea of digging the soil. Excavation work will start in that area of Tamar only after monsoon. Excavation will cover an area of five square kilometers of the potential site.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৩, ২০১৮ 11:00 am

Staff reporter

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