The Dhaka Times
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Eat snakes like noodles! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Many may remember Rustam Ali, a sapure of Bangladesh. He used to pour the blood of a live snake into a glass and drink it. Now I heard about such a snake, he eats snakes like noodles!

noodles & Snakes eat

Many may remember Rustam Ali, a sapure of Bangladesh. He used to pour the blood of a live snake into a glass and drink it. Now I heard about such a snake, he eats snakes like noodles!

A few days ago we heard the story of Indian Niranjan Bhaskar who ate a raw snake. But this time the story of a sapur of Bangladesh. DDOT shows that a snake in Bangladesh is eating 3 thousand cobra snakes from a nest near Dhaka and eating them like noodles! According to the commentary of that sapur, it is known that he has eaten thousands of snakes in this life.

Watch the snake eating video
