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Arju-Ireen starrer 'Chilleti Abol Tabol Latke Pagal Pagal' is releasing soon

The Dhaka Times Desk Arju-Ireen starrer 'Chilleti Abol Tabol Latke Pagal Pagal' is releasing soon. The film has already received censor clearance.


Arju and Irene starrer Chheleti Abol Tabol Lakke Pagal Pagal has received censor clearance. The film is directed by Saif Chandan. This is Arju Irene Jodi's first movie. Recently, after the film was screened at the Censor Board, the Censor Board gave the clearance without any cuts.


Actor Arju told the media, 'The joy of Eid has increased as the film got uncut censor before Eid.'
Story and screenplay by Saif Chandan, the film also stars Munira Mithu, Kachi Khandkar, Mukit Zakaria, Diana, Reema, Nimmi, Rifat, Orin, Pavel, Lipika, Rhea, Misha Saudagar and Shahed Sharif Khan.


Produced by Shamim Alam, Chheleti Abol Tabol Lakke Pagal Pagal is produced under the banner of Neel Nakshatra Entertainment. The cinematography of the film is done by Hridoy Sarkar. The film has 6 songs. The songs are sung by Arfin Rumi, Imran, Kana, Liza, Belal Khan, Kishore, Naomi, Mohana. Lyrics written by – Anurup Aich, Zahid Akbar, Rabiul Islam Jiban, Mahmood Manzoor, Sudeep Kumar Deep and Someshwar Oli.

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