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Eating hot pepper....! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us have runny noses and teary eyes after eating jhal chili. But this time the incident is exactly like that. The condition of a boy who eats chili peppers is terrible!

Hot pepper

Many of us have runny noses and teary eyes after eating jhal chili. But this time the incident is exactly like that. The condition of a boy who eats chili peppers is terrible!

According to media reports, the peppers look like smaller versions of bell paper. One person's name is Carolina Rapper Chile. Since 2013, Carolina rapper Chili has held the Guinness World Record for his beard.

A Scottish boy was challenged to find out what the reaction would be to the scale of the weld. Then what's more, he becomes lonely with tears in his eyes and nose. Recently, the video of the shocking incident of Morchi Jhal was uploaded on YouTube.
Pikachu later released that video online in The Pokemon.

Watch that video
