The Dhaka Times
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The story of a 'death tree' in Somalia

The Dhaka Times Desk We saw many kinds of trees. But we have never heard of such a tree. Today we have one such 'death tree' story for you.

Somalia is one of stories of death Tree

According to media reports, a type of leafless tree has been found in Somalia. This tree never leaves for twelve months of the year. Even during the heavy rains, not a single leaf is seen in this tree. No other trees can grow around where these trees grow!

According to the news, these trees are standing on dry soil with a height of about 7 feet. The region of Somalia where these plants grow is famous for its dry environment and rocky terrain. Almost every day people flee from this hostile natural environment and this region of leafless trees to another region.

Every Somali knows a lot about this tree. Locals named this tree 'death tree'. The unsuspecting Somalis didn't just stop at naming the tree, they also called it the most feared tree in the country.

It is known that this leafless tree originally grows in the town of Bossao in the Puntland region of Somalia. If someone is sentenced to death in this part of Somalia, the accused is first restrained with the tree. The accused's hands were tied behind the tree and then he was shot dead. There are many stories about this 'death tree' in Somalia. which surprised everyone.

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