The Dhaka Times
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Google's Loon Project: WiFi from balloons!

The Dhaka Times Desk Google's Loon project is working to provide internet services. Through this project internet service will be facilitated through WiFi network from balloon.

balloon WiFi

Google's Loon project is working to provide internet services. Through this project internet service will be facilitated through WiFi network from balloon. Recently, the Google authorities have planned to test this Wi-Fi facility balloon in Sri Lanka.

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Google authorities have said that an initial agreement has been reached with the government of Sri Lanka to launch the project of providing internet from balloons in Sri Lanka. Google's 'Loon' project was first announced in 2013. Under this project, large balloons are flown in the sky. It has a WiFi beam device. People who are deprived of Internet access in remote areas can therefore come under the Internet.

Note that Google's secret laboratory known as 'X Lab' started this project.

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