The Dhaka Times
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Pariman's first film 'Rana Plaza' is finally releasing on September 4.

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, Pariman's first film 'Rana Plaza' is releasing on September 4. The film went to the censor and got stuck due to various reasons. Finally the film is on the verge of release.

Rana Plaza

Finally, Pariman's first film 'Rana Plaza' is releasing on September 4. The film went to the censor and got stuck due to various reasons. Finally the film is on the verge of release. According to the sources of the production company MA Films, the film 'Rana Plaza' directed by Nazrul Islam Khan will be released on September 4.

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The film is based on the story of Savar's 'Rana Plaza', a sweet love story. The film's release was delayed due to censor issues. This is the first film of Parimani, the most talked about actress of the present time. Although Parimani's many subsequent films have already been released. But in the end, 'Rana Plaza' is going to see the light after ending all the complications.

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Apart from Parimoni, Simon, Abul Hayat, Kabila etc. acted in various roles in the film 'Rana Plaza'.

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