The Dhaka Times Desk Actress Diti is recovering after a successful surgery. His daughter Lamia Chowdhury gave this news to the media.
Diti's daughter Lamiya Chowdhury told the media, "Today mother is smiling, she is much better now". Diti's daughter Lamiya also gave several pictures of Diti to the media. It is seen that Diti is quite smiling.
Diti's body is still very weak despite progressing towards health. He is still in the hospital. He underwent brain surgery on July 29 at noon at the Madras Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology (MIOT) in Chennai, India. Diti was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
However, it is not yet known when Diti will return to the country. Popular actress-producer Diti will be back in full body - that's what everyone wishes.