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Chinese companies are producing mosquitoes and releasing them into the environment!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many will be surprised to read such a news. But the news is true. A Chinese company is now producing mosquitoes and releasing them into the environment!

producing mosquitoes

When you hear about mosquitoes, you think about dengue. This mosquito is the cause of diseases like dengue and malaria. But one can't help but be surprised to hear that a company is producing mosquitoes. Just such an incident happened in China. Millions of mosquitoes are being produced every week in a state-of-the-art laboratory in a factory in China's Guangdong province. Not only that, these mosquitoes are also being released into the outdoor environment. But don't worry, these mosquitoes will not harm you. Rather it will benefit. Factory-produced male mosquitoes do not bite anyone, only eat honey from fruits and flowers and work to exterminate dengue mosquitoes!

Researchers say a massive dengue outbreak in China last year killed many people. The country's policy makers decided to produce these mosquitoes, which are particularly sterile and non-productive, to prevent dengue attacks. One of the world's largest mosquito breeding laboratories was built in Guangzhou Science City.

According to a report by China's People's Daily Online, it will be possible to eradicate the dengue mosquito with this specially bred mosquito. The report also said that millions of mosquitoes being bred in a Guangzhou laboratory were being released on Saji Island over the weekend. Project director Ji Zhengwong is leading it.

The researchers told the media that the outbreak of dengue will decrease due to the exposure of these mosquitoes. Because lab-grown mosquitoes are capable of dengue birth control. Dengue eggs will not hatch due to these mosquitoes.

The researchers claimed that there is no risk of harm in the male mosquitoes that are released from their laboratories. Even these mosquitoes don't bite. It has also been tested successfully. Due to this test it has been possible to control the birth of up to 90 percent of mosquitoes.

Note that every year at least 22,000 people die from dengue attacks worldwide. Among them are many children.

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