Categories: international news

Can Taslima become a citizen of India?

The Dhaka Times Desk India will give citizenship to all those who have fled and taken refuge in India due to religious persecution. So Taslima can be a citizen of India?

The Indian government has decided to grant citizenship to those who fled religious persecution and took refuge in India. That is why the Citizenship Act of 1955 of India is being amended. The Union Home Ministry has also prepared amendment proposals. Not only the expelled Hindus, but the Buddhists, Christians, Sikhs, Jains who had to take refuge in India due to religious persecution from Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Indian government will recognize all of them as legal citizens. However, it is not yet clear what the government's stance will be on Muslim asylum seekers. And so in this case, the name of Taslima Nasreen, the controversial writer sheltered in India, comes up first.

According to media reports, besides the Citizenship Act, the Foreign Control Act of 1946, the Passport Act of 1920 and 1950 are also going to be amended. The Passport Act, which essentially specifies the right to enter India, is about to undergo a fundamental change. People expelled on religious grounds or out of the country and seeking refuge in India without valid documents will no longer be identified as intruders. The government will give long-term visas to those like Taslima Nasreen who come to this country with valid passports and seek asylum.

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According to media reports, the exiled writer Taslima Nasreen may also get a chance for citizenship; If Muslims are also brought under this scope. It is said that those who came to this country before December 31, 2014 from Pakistan or Bangladesh can apply for citizenship. There will be two opportunities for them. First: acquisition of citizenship by enrollment; In that case, at least 7 years must stay in this country. And the second opportunity is citizenship by natural inclusion; For which at least 12 years must be lived in India.

According to reports, the Union Law Ministry has already approved the draft amendment proposal prepared by the Home Ministry. This policy, needless to say, is expected to have a significant impact on the lives of religious refugees, not only in Assam or elsewhere in North East India, but also in several parts of North West India.

It is known that the proposal to amend the Passport Act will be open for discussion for two months after it is presented to Parliament. And the amended Citizenship Act will be introduced mainly in the face of the Bill.

If the law is passed, many controversial figures including Taslima Nasreen will get Indian citizenship easily - it is believed.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৬, ২০১৫ 1:04 pm

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