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Young blood will prevent aging!

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists have claimed that it is possible to prevent human aging. They claim young blood will prevent aging!

young blood

Scientists have claimed that it is possible to prevent human aging. They claim young blood will prevent aging! According to a researcher named Tony Wassey-Core, it is the goodness of blood that transforms adolescence into youth and youth. He said, "New blood can delay the aging of the old."

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Starting research on Alzheimer's, researcher Tony found that it was possible to predict whether the disease would develop in adulthood, before old age. He claims that the key to youth is hidden within fresh blood.

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On the other hand, another researcher, Thomas Rando, has been working with stem cells for a long time. Cells are needed to keep the body's cells healthy and functional. But the stem cells of the elderly do not work properly. That is why a wound in old age takes longer to heal.

A question came to Thomas's mind: Do stem cells stop working when they receive a signal? That sign but the blood carries? It is at this point that the questions of the two researchers coincide. They agreed and started working together.

First, various experiments were conducted on mice. The blood of young mice was injected into the body of old mice. What was seen this time, the eyes of the researchers went up! It turns out that blood carries several proteins that keep cells fresh. And some proteins make the cells old.

Younger people have more of these refreshing proteins in their blood. As we age, the amount of these proteins decreases. Therefore, the new blood in the old man's body has caused a 'miracle'!

It should be noted that Tony's idea is not new. In 1615, the German physician Andrej Libavius said such a thing. Robert Boyle was also researching the subject for the Royal Society of London.

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