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A human baby goat was born in the Indian state of Karnataka!

The Dhaka Times Desk Exceptions to creation occur occasionally. This is exactly what happened this time. A human baby goat was born in the Indian state of Karnataka!

Human babies born

Exceptions to creation occur occasionally. This is exactly what happened this time. A human baby goat was born in the Indian state of Karnataka! A goat there gave birth to two human babies. But both babies were stillborn. When the incident became known in the area, a great sensation was created.

According to a report published in an Indian newspaper, the goat recently gave birth to two human babies. Babies are 70% human like. Eyes, ears, face are all like human. Even its limbs are human. Only the ears and legs are like goats.

According to media reports, the owner of the goat, Bhaskar from Karnataka state, said that he has been rearing the goat for four years. So far the goat has given birth to 10 kids, all of which were perfectly normal. After the birth of the last child, there was a sensation in the area.

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