The Dhaka Times
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The story of Ulpit's unknown green child

The Dhaka Times Desk It is impossible to count the number of mysterious phenomena in the world. One such mystery is the story of Ulpit's unknown green child in this report today.

green baby story

Tell a detective story or a mysterious story, everything happens in this world. But there is a mysterious green baby story for you today. Which can be called an unknown story.

Events of the twelfth century. Two children were found in Ulpit, England. Everything about these children was normal like everyone else. But their skin color was green. They are two siblings. But what is even more surprising is that the two brothers and sisters spoke in an unknown language.

These two brothers and sisters were a little exceptional in terms of food. They did not eat anything other than SIM. However, later the child learns two English languages. The sister said that they both came from an underground country called St. Martin's Land. He said that all the people there are green in color.

Note that how these two children came from is a mystery. Why their skin color was green is still unknown. No one has found the answer.

Source: Courtesy of

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