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Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for killing blogger Niloy

The Dhaka Times Desk Blogger Niloy was brutally killed by entering the house yesterday on Friday afternoon. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the killing.

murder of blogger nilaymurder of blogger nilay

Ansar Al Islam, the Bangladesh branch of Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AIQS), has claimed responsibility for the killing of blogger Niloy, an activist of Gana Jagran Manch.

In a statement sent to the media from the email address, the militant organization claimed responsibility for the killing.

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According to media reports, the name of Mufti Abdullah Ashraf, the spokesperson of Ansar Al Islam, is written as the sender of that mail. The mail said, 'Mujahideen of Ansar Al Islam (Al Qaeda Indian Subcontinent, Bangladesh branch) attacked and killed Niloy Chowdhury, the enemy of Allah and His Messenger. The operation was completed at 1.45 pm on Friday.

The statement threatened and said, 'We declare war against the worst enemies of Allah and His Messenger. We will use all our power to destroy them and their accomplices. O Muslim Ummah, we assure you that as long as the blood of these children continues to flow, the attacks on the enemies of Allah and His Messenger will continue.'

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Media Wing Deputy Commissioner Muntasirul Islam told the media, 'We came to know about the matter through various means. However, it is being investigated whether this statement was given by Al Qaeda or not. The murder is under investigation. We are trying to find out about this.'

Meanwhile, the United Nations has protested the killing of Niloy Chowdhury and Amnesty International has called on the Bangladesh government to bring Niloy's killers to justice. Amnesty said, "Such killings will not be tolerated" and called for a strong message to be sent to the killers, the UK-based human rights group. Meanwhile, Ganajagran Manch has strongly condemned the incident and demanded that the culprits be found and punished, alleging that the government is not providing security to their workers.

It is to be noted that Niloy Chowdhury (40) was hacked to death by miscreants at his own home in Gogan on Friday afternoon. Ganajagaran Manch activist used to write blog under the name Niloy Neel. The incident took place on the 5th floor of House No. 167, Water Pump Lane, Road No. 8, Dakshin Gogan, during Friday prayers. Niloy Chowdhury lived in that house with his wife and children.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৮, ২০১৫ 9:25 am

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