The Dhaka Times Desk Rescue teams rescued one person alive 30 hours after China's worst explosion in recorded history. 19-year-old firefighter Jhauti was rescued on Friday morning.
Rescue teams rescued one person alive 30 hours after China's worst explosion in recorded history. 19-year-old fireman Jhauti was rescued on Friday morning.
The death toll in China's worst chemical explosion in recorded history has risen to 55. On the other hand, thousands of residents have left their homes and are looking for safe shelter. Rescued firefighter Zhaoti was admitted to Teda Hospital in Tianjin. According to hospital sources, his condition is stable.
The head of Tianjin's firefighting team said black smoke was still billowing from the damaged area. More than 1200 firefighters are still working to put out the fire.
As the bodies pile up, homeless residents are taking shelter in government tents or relatives' houses. About 6,000 residents have taken shelter in shelters on Thursday.
It should be noted that two explosions took place in China last Wednesday around 11:30 pm local time. Due to the presence of chemical combustible materials, the explosion caused extensive damage.
Watch the video of the explosion
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৪, ২০১৫ 11:33 pm
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