Categories: international news

Trafficking snake hidden in the body!

The Dhaka Times Desk People adopt various strategies for smuggling. But that's why the snake hidden in the body! It seems that this is the first time to hear such a thing.

Customs authorities especially those working in the clearance branch of various ports or airports. They face different experiences. Many times gold or drug smuggling is caught in the bottom of shoes. It has also been heard that gold smuggling is not new. But it seems that this is the first case of trafficking with snake body.

In a recent incident, the officials of the Swedish Customs Department were shocked. Because a woman was caught smuggling 65 baby snakes in her underwear! Hearing about the incident may give you a headache. But the incident is really sensational.

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According to media reports, the 42-year-old woman hid 65 baby snakes in her underwear. And hid 6 lizards in the blouse! But he did not understand that he was walking with so many poisonous animals!

When a policeman became suspicious, he was searched. After that, the officers present were shocked. 6 lizards came out from inside the woman's blouse. At one stage of the search, small venomous snakes began to squirm out of her underwear. A total of 65 snakes were counted!

Later, in the face of police interrogation, the woman said that she was interested in starting a reptile farm. So he has collected snakes and lizards from different parts of the world. He told the police that he was forced to do this secretly because it is illegal to bring snakes or lizards into Sweden.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২১, ২০২১ 3:00 pm

Staff reporter

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