The Dhaka Times
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Women's clothing is banned in New York!

The Dhaka Times Desk If anyone hears such a thing, don't believe it at first. Because where the girls wear small clothes outside the house or the girls' small clothes are being banned!

girls Small dress & New York

Such a news in the media shocked everyone. The news is that in the busy area of New York City, Time Square and several other areas have banned girls' short dresses. This was done by the mayor of that area. Because Mayor de Blasio is very angry about women wearing such clothes. In the face of long-standing objections from various quarters, Mayor Blazio has come up with the idea of finding a way to stop the activities of those women. And so Mayor Blasio spoke of enforcing the law.

According to the news media, a group of almost naked women who often wake up in Time Square try to attract the attention of tourists who come in different colors with various body parts. In exchange for taking pictures with tourists, they take a hefty sum of money. It is not illegal to paint or display half-naked body art in New York. Therefore, despite objections from various quarters, no action could be taken.

In such a situation, New York Mayor de Blasio recently said, these women in Time Square are doing a little more than their civil rights. This is how they earn money by showing body paintings. Ways to stop their activities are being sought. He said, initiatives are being taken to enforce business-related laws to control it. That is, wearing small clothes is going to be banned.

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