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See how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the best human being of creation, lived a very simple life. At that time, we get various aspects of his life from Hadith Sharif. See how his residence was in today's video.

Prophet Muhammad-house-panorama-saw

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), the best human being of creation, lived a very simple life. At that time, we get various aspects of his life from Hadith Sharif. See how his residence was in today's video.

The world was not created without whom the great man Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) lived a life like a very common man after coming to earth. There was no pride, jealousy or hatred in him. All in all, he possessed a great quality. And so we perceive him as a great man.

He may not be in front of our eyes today, but we want to live by following his honesty and devotion. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. You will surely be overwhelmed with emotions by seeing its residences and houses. Because it is really incredible how common the habitat of such a great man is! He lived a very ordinary life like a common man. A small example of our last prophet's simple life is this video of his residence.

Watch that video
