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Ashraful now in the music video!

The Dhaka Times Desk Former Bangladesh national team captain Mohammad Ashraful has become a model in a music video.

Ashraful's music video

Former Bangladesh national team captain Mohammad Ashraful has become a model in a music video. The cricket star has become the model for a new song by American expatriate singer Soma A Rahman.

According to media reports, Ashraful has recently participated in the filming of the song at several locations in New York. This romantic song is called 'Ai Aami Nei'. It is reported that this song will be aired on multiple channels of Bangladesh apart from the Bangladeshi community channel in America.

Regarding the music video, Ashraful told reporters, 'My acquaintance with singer Soma is only through music. I heard the story of the music video after getting an offer to model in the music video. I agreed because I liked hearing the story. I hope everyone will like the work.'

It should be noted that Ashraful is currently staying in America after being expelled from international cricket due to fixing in Bangladesh Premier League (BPL).

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