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Mars virus is spreading in Saudi Arabia

The Dhaka Times Desk Mars virus is spreading in Saudi Arabia, and therefore the number of people infected with Mars virus is increasing.

Marsh virus is spreading in Saudi Arabia

According to a news report of the media BBC Bengal, the number of deaths of Mars virus has suddenly increased in Saudi Arabia, the country's authorities said. The Saudi Ministry of Health says that 17 people have died in the last 7 days. Last week, a hospital emergency department in Riyadh was closed after health workers contracted the Mars virus.

Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) causes inflammation of the lungs. Its symptoms are fever, cough and shortness of breath. The disease can also be spread by sneezing or coughing.

Marsh virus is spreading in Saudi Arabia-2

It is believed that about 2 million people are going to go to Saudi Arabia during Hajj. That is why the issue is considered to be a cause of concern. However, the Saudi authorities say that they are taking great precautions in this regard.

It should be noted that this disease, which originally spread from camels to humans, is now spreading from humans to humans. Because of this, the Saudi Arabian authorities have banned camel breeding.

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