The Dhaka Times
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Breaking - Bandwidth price cuts: Effective tomorrow, September 1

The Dhaka Times Desk Bandwidth prices have dropped. Effective tomorrow September 1. From now on, 1 Mbps bandwidth will be available at Tk 625 per month, which was Tk 1,680 earlier.

Price reduction of bandwidth

The country is going one step further in building digital Bangladesh. The government has reduced the price of bandwidth in the country so that internet service providers can facilitate internet usage in the country. Effective tomorrow September 1. However, the reduced price will be effective only in Dhaka, Chittagong and Cox's Bazar.

As per the government's decision, 1 Mbps bandwidth will be available at Rs 625 per month from now. However, this price will be effective only in Dhaka, Chittagong and Cox's Bazar. Bangladesh Submarine Cable Authority Managing Director Manowar Hossain confirmed this to the media. He feels that reducing bandwidth prices will have a positive impact on Digital Bangladesh. Internet usage of people will increase.

Note that earlier the price of 1 Mbps internet was 1 thousand 68 taka. Now it has been reduced to 625 rupees. But this price will be available if you buy minimum 10 Gbps bandwidth. Many people have called this 10 Gbps limit ridiculous. Due to this common people will be deprived.

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