The Dhaka Times
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march Amin will remain in the hearts of Bengalis forever

Dhaka Times Report. Agnijha started that March. This month is an important month for the Bengali nation. The movement started in March 1971. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's historic public meeting on 7th March and its subsequent Kalratri on 25th March and declaration of independence on 26th March helped the Bengali nation to regain its own identity. The Bengali nation will never forget those March days. This country was established as an independent state on December 16 based on the March movement. Today we have a flag, as an independent state we Bengali nation can stand tall in the court of the world, it is no less owed to us. Every person in the world can fight today, Bengalis do not hesitate to give their blood for the country.
মার্চ ॥ বাঙালির হূদয়ে থাকবে চিরদিন অমলিন 1
The fiery March of 1971 is a bright witness of numerous events in our history. The desired freedom of Bengalis has come in the stream of blood of this month of March. This achievement in exchange for a sea of blood through the liberation war along the long path of movement and struggle. This history-making month is ever-vigilant in the hearts of Bengalis. Since the establishment of Pakistan, Bengalis stood against the long 24-year movement-struggle, exploitation-deprivation, prison-tyranny-tyranny. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman established himself as the undisputed leader of Bengal and took sole leadership through the continuation of the political tension of that time. Bangabandhu declared as the leader of the parliamentary party of Awami League, the majority party in the National Parliament of Pakistan at that time and the uncrowned emperor of the people of East Bengal - 'This time is the struggle for liberation, this time is the struggle for our freedom.' In the light of the historic declaration in the race course Maidan crowd on March 7, Bangabandhu announced the independence of the country through BDR's wireless on March 26 midnight from his constitutional right.

The history of Bengali bravery is thousands of years old. On June 23, 1757, the sun of Bengal's independence had set due to Mirzafar Gong's conspiracy and treachery at Amrakanan in Palashi. After 214 years of the gloom of defeat, the crimson glow of that sun re-emerged through Bangabandhu's declaration of independence. In language, culture, culture, civilization, education, sociality and mentality, the Bengali people of East Pakistan were completely different from the West Pakistanis. Bengalis could never accept the authority of people of different culture 1400 miles away. Therefore, the struggle for the status of Bengali language and the struggle for the independence of Bengali started from the beginning of the country called Pakistan established in the strange definition of Hindu-Muslim biracialism of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The movement and struggle for the rights of Bengalis which started on March 11, 1948 to give the mother tongue Bengali the status of one of the national languages, ended successfully with the declaration of independence on March 26, 1971, following the fresh blood of the language martyrs of 1952. By establishing the status of the mother tongue Bengali as the state language in exchange for the highest sacrifice in February 2021, the Bengali nation found the key to regain their lost thousand-year dream of independence. The defeat of the Muslim League to the United Front in the 1950 election, the recognition of Bengali as the state language in the Constitution in 1956, the Education Commission movement in 1962, the proposal for 6-point independence in Lahore in 1966, the historic Agartala conspiracy case against Bangabandhu and his associates in 1968, the student uprising in 1969 - all these contributed to Bengali. In the continuous struggle for independence.

After various controversies and confusions, the Supreme Court, the highest court of the country, has given the verdict that Bangabandhu's historical declaration of March 26 as the declaration of independence is correct and proven fact, that is now the law. In the late night of 25th March 1971, the Pakistani invading forces jumped like hyenas on the sleeping and unarmed Bengali nation and carried out the worst massacre in human history. Sensing the situation, Bangabandhu cleverly announced the 'formal independence of Bangladesh' before his arrest at midnight. Later, on March 27, the then Major Ziaur Rahman read the declaration of independence on behalf of Bangabandhu from Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra.

Therefore, this month of March will be written in golden letters in our national history forever. As long as Bengalis and Bengali entities remain, Bengalis will remember this month of March with respect. Because this month is the month of pride for Bengalis, this month is the month of pride of the Bengali nation. We will remember this month with reverence forever.

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