The Dhaka Times
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Increase your internet speed with a can of coke! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We feel quite annoyed when the internet speed is slow. So today there is a way to increase speed for you. Coke can increase the speed of the Internet!

cans to increase the speed of your Internet

Who is in a good mood when the internet speed suddenly drops while working? Such incidents often happen to us today, our report is about this matter.

You are caught off guard as the speed at work suddenly slows down. Then you have no choice but to sit with your hands on your cheeks and wait for the speed to increase. Those who don't have the patience try to repair the connection or restart the PC to recover the lost speed. But a can of coke or any such drink can solve your problem in no time! Then the speed will double! You can increase internet speed by yourself in few minutes by applying the tricks at home very easily. You don't have to do anything special for this.

So let's see how to do this:

You first empty that drink can. It is up to you whether you drink the drink inside. Cut off the top of the can completely with a knife or similar. Cut off a little of the bottom part. Then cut lengthwise down the center of the can body. Now make it straight. Then you will see that the beverage can will look like a satellite dish. Now just attach the satellite dish looking can to the router with some glue or something (look at the picture to understand).

Now see for yourself the magic of speed! You will see your broadband speed increase by leaps and bounds! You can try this simple test at home. If you can do the job properly then you don't have to worry about internet speed anymore. References:

Watch the video below to see how to make it

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