The Dhaka Times Desk This time, Channel I's Eid special program 'Farmer's Eid Anand' is being done with Ugandan farmers. This is the first time this event has been organized outside the country.
This is the first time that Channel Eye's special Eid program 'Krishak Eid Anand' has been filmed outside the country. After various places in Bangladesh, this is the first time this special program of Eid has been made with Ugandan farmers in Africa. Farmers from Uganda in East Africa participated in several fun competitions this year. The ceremony was reportedly filmed in a field in Kaboh, M Barara District in South Western Uganda.
Just like every Bangladeshi event, the farmers participated in pillow fights, looking for iron beans from sweet potato powder with orange peels, mother and son iron bean races and climbing the oily banana tree. In this episode, young women from rural farming families in Uganda performed dances with Bengali songs.
Shaikh Siraj directed, presented and researched the programme. This Eid special program 'Farmer's Eid Anand' will be aired on Channel I at 4:30 pm the day after Eid al-Adha in Emas.
This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ৫, ২০১৫ 8:18 pm
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ ভাইরাল এক ভিডিওতে দেখা গিয়েছে, হাতির পিঠে দড়ি দিয়ে আষ্টেপৃষ্ঠে…
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