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120 students were fired for wearing skirts in Britain!

The Dhaka Times Desk We have already read about the ban on wearing skirts. This time in Britain, 120 female students were expelled for wearing skirts.


A school authority in Britain banned about 120 female students from attending classes on Friday for wearing skirts above the knee.

Authorities at Tring School in Hertfordshire, Britain, have previously warned students and their parents repeatedly about the dress code. The school authorities banned the wearing of short dresses i.e. skirts.

Headteacher Sue Collings said the school has always been proud of its values and achievements. However, the parents of the students criticized the ban on social media.

One parent told the BBC: 'My daughter felt humiliated by being kicked out of class in front of her friends. He doesn't want to go to school anymore.'

Another parent said, 'My daughter was kicked out of school for the second time because her skirt size was too small.' He referred to the eccentricity of the school authorities.

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