The Dhaka Times Desk Every human being has a single entity, a single characteristic. Not only humans but every animal has unique characteristics. And it was possible to know this by scientists 60 years ago, on April 25, 1953, through the discovery of DNA. In other words, DNA's birthday was celebrated in the previous month. So, let's say happy birthday DNA and thank the two British scientists who invented DNA, Francis Crick and James Watson.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions for controlling the structure and function of organisms. All organisms have a DNA genome. DNA is transferred from parents to their children.
Simply put, DNA is the physical characteristics that a child inherits from its parents. Let's say, Rain's hair is red, his face is brown, he looks like his own father! If you search in more detail, you will know that Rain's grandfather had red hair like him. If someone's hair and blood are tested and their DNA structure is matched with the DNA of their parents, then it is possible to know someone's identity from that test. Hence, DNA test is very important in identifying criminals, in cases related to children.
The much-discussed incident related to DNA took place in 1997. Ian Wilmut, a scientist at Roslinburn Institute in Scotland, produced a sheep through cloning. By taking cells from the body of a female sheep and multiplying it, he produced the sheep named Dolly, making the greatest invention in genetics yet. Scientists believe that any animal, even humans, can be produced in the same way that he produced sheep. But it also has many limitations. In particular, the subsequent reaction rate is so high that the resulting organisms do not survive very long. Human cloning has been banned until now due to ethical considerations, side effects and other conditions.
Crick's 12-year-old son, Michael, first learned of the discovery of DNA through a letter.
In Watson's words - we study physics and chemistry to understand biology; It is important that science is not for itself, it is created by man for man! The aim of every man is to influence the human spirit towards science.
Jokingly, he also said - all girls can become beautiful by changing the genes of personality and physical beauty; Although many say it is a terrible thing, but I think it is undoubtedly a wonderful and great thing.
Recently, US researchers have announced new hope in the treatment of children born with genetic defects. They say, within 50 hours or two days, the DNA of a seriously ill newborn baby can be analyzed. As a result, the doctors can take necessary steps to protect the baby quickly by diagnosing the disease. Previously, it would take months to complete such a process. By 2025, people will no longer take so many drugs for illness, scientists are trying to make the use of gene therapy more accessible.
It should be noted that Francis Crick and James Watson's discovery was doubted at first, therefore this discovery was not properly recognized at first. But they continued to work on the matter continuously. The discovery in 1962 was considered of great importance. Francis Crick and James Watson were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for this discovery.
Source: Prothom-alo
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