The Dhaka Times
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Bandh in Assam to protest against keeping Bangladeshi Hindus in India

The Dhaka Times Desk A bandh has been observed in Assam to protest against the government's decision to keep citizens of Bangladesh's minority community in India.

Assam block protest

A heated situation prevails in the Indian state of Assam due to the central government's decision to allow citizens of Bangladesh's minority community to stay in India without valid documents. In Assam, normal public life was disturbed due to this 12-hour bandh.

Recently the Government of India announced that Bangladeshi Hindus living in India will be granted residence permit without any valid documents. After this decision gradually tension spread in Assam. With the support of other student unions, the Assam Nationalist Youth Student Council called the bandh. Online Asian Age reported this. As the protests intensified, the Krishak Mukti Sangam Samithi (KMSS) also started protest movements across India.

KMSS advisor and Right to Information (RTI) activist Akhil Gogoi told the media, 'Though the Center says migrants will be allowed to stay in India, most of them will end up living in Assam.' He further said, 'Immigrants who went to Assam from Bangladesh before March 25, 1971, have already been given residence permits. Assam cannot take any more migrants. The decision was seen as a move to pacify Assam's Hindu Bengali voters.'

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