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Learn about some of the most expensive movies in Hollywood

The Dhaka Times Desk Big budget films are made in Hollywood. These films are also commercially successful. This report is about some of the most expensive movies in Hollywood.

Hollywood movie

Films become hits because of acting, production or story and famous directors. And Hollywood films being a hit means huge business. That's what happens. So far, the big budget films that have been made have done business. Hollywood is one of the places in the world where famous films are made. Hollywood movies rule the world. Again, the budget of these films is eye-opening. This report is about some of the most expensive Hollywood films of all time in a survey by the famous magazine 'Forbes'.

Cleopatra [1963]

Directors: Joseph Mankiewicz, Darrell Zanuck
Production cost of the film: 44 million dollars
Box office gross: $62 million
Starring: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton and Rex Harrison.

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Waterworld [1995]

Director: Kevin Reynolds
Production cost of the film: 175 million dollars.
Box office gross: $264 million.
Starring: Kevin Costner, Gene Triplehorn and Dennis Hooper.

Titanic [1997]

Director: James Cameron
Production cost of the film: 285 million dollars
Box office gross: $1.8 billion
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines [2003]

Director: James Cameron
Production cost of the film: 200 million dollars
Box office gross: $433 million
Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kristana Locken.

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Spider-Man Two [2004]

Director: Sam Raimi
Production cost of the film: 200 million dollars
Box office gross: $783 million
Starring: Tobey Maguire, Alfred Molina and Kristen Dunst.

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King Kong [2005]

Director: Peter Jackson
Production cost of the film: $207 million
Box office gross: $550 million
Starring: Adrien Brody, Naomi Watts and Jack Black.

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Superman Returns [2006]

Director: Bryan Singer
Production cost of the film: 200 million dollars
Box office gross: $391 million
Starring: Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey and Kate Bosworth.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest [2006]

Director: Gore Verbinski
Production cost of the film: 225 million dollars
Box office gross: $1.06 billion
Starring: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley and Geoffrey Rush.

One Man Last Stand [2006]

Director: Brett Ratner
Production cost of the film: 210 million dollars
Box office gross: $234 million
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry and Patrick Stewart.

Spider-Man 3 [2007]

Director: Sam Raimi
Production cost of the film: 258 million dollars
Box office gross: $890 million
Starring: Tobey Maguire, Kristen Dunst and James Franco.

Avatar [2009]

Director: James Cameron
Production cost of the film: 237 million dollars
Box office gross: $2 billion
Starring: Sam Wardington and Zoe Saldana.

The Dark Knight Rises [2012]

Director: Christopher Nolan
Production cost of the film:: 230 million dollars
Box office gross: $1.084 billion
Starring: Christian Bale, Michael Kenny and Gary Oldman.

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