Categories: entertainment

The release of 'Rana Plaza' has been stopped by the order of the President

The Dhaka Times Desk The movie 'Rana Plaza' made on the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Savar has been repeatedly banned. On the order of the President, the release of 'Rana Plaza' has stopped.

The film 'Rana Plaza' got over the hurdle from the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, but it was stuck again by the order of the President. On Thursday afternoon, a notice was issued temporarily suspending the screening of the film starring Parimony and Simon.

The President's order said, 'In the light of the observations of the Appellate Division of the Hon'ble Supreme Court during the hearing of Civil Review Petition No. 191/2015, the Censor Certificate is temporarily suspended until the Film Censor Appellate Committee decides on the appeal of the film 'Rana Plaza' and 'Rana Plaza' Films have been temporarily suspended across Bangladesh. The notification also mentioned that this order will be effective immediately.

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The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court rejected the review (reconsideration) petition against the screening of the film 'Rana Plaza' on Thursday morning. As a result of this verdict, the screening of the film was stopped. A 4-member Appellate Bench headed by Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha gave this verdict. The other members of the bench are Justice Nazmun Ara Sultana, Justice Syed Mahmud Hussain and Justice Hasan Faiz Siddiqui.

It is to be noted that the movie 'Rana Plaza' was made on the rescue of garment worker Reshma from the rubble 17 days after the collapse of Rana Plaza in Savar in 2013. The event of the rescue of Reshma created a stir in the world media. Produced by Shamim Akhtar and directed by Nazrul Islam Khan, the film 'Rana Plaza' is two hours 17 minutes 16 seconds long.

When the Bengali film 'Rana Plaza', which is about the destruction of Rana Plaza and the rescue of garment worker Reshma, was sent to the Censor Board for screening, the Censor Board imposed a ban on its screening. When the film's producer Shamim Akhtar appealed to the High Court against this decision of the Censor Board, the court ordered to approve some scenes of the film on March 4. Later, the Censor Board directed the director and producer to cut and change 5 scenes of the film as per the directions of the High Court.

Those 5 changes are:

1. Omitting the heroine's name 'Reshma' in the film
2. After 17 days, the scene of Reshma's rescue was omitted from the film
3. Avoiding the use of names of members of the security forces
4. Excluding television footage of the event at the time
5. 'Are we the sister-in-law?' Omit this scene and dialogue.

An initiative was taken to screen the film twice, but it was stopped again and again due to the ban. All in all, the future of the movie 'Rana Plaza' starring Parimoni, the most talked about actress of the present time, is in an uncertain state.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১৮, ২০১৫ 11:05 am

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