This time Android phones are infected with viruses!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time there is a fear of virus infection in Android phones. It is said that there is a possibility of getting infected with this virus through phone text messages.

The news of Android phone virus infection has already spread in the media. The news warned, don't open the text message immediately when you get it on your phone. Through that message, your favorite Android phone may be infected with a virus called 'Trojan'. This will make everything on your phone useless. Experts believe that at least 950 million Android phones in the world are at risk of being infected with this virus.

According to news media, suddenly a new message appeared on the mobile screen. As a conscious person, you will open it immediately, it is natural. But no, avoid opening it. The reason is that your phone may be infected with a virus called 'Trojan'. These messages are accompanied by videos. As soon as you click or open it, your phone's security code will be hacked and all your information will be hacked.

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However, experts have not yet given any solution to prevent this virus. This virus will not only affect the phone, Firefox platforms can also be affected through it. The virus spread through that message can render the Firefox OS system useless. So experts have urged everyone to be vigilant.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২০, ২০২৩ 10:55 pm

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