The Dhaka Times Desk The dating course is proof of what stage modernity is reaching now. The headline in the media is that dating courses are being launched at the university!
Many people may not know how to make friends. How to date may also be unknown to many. This subject will be taught at a university in Tianjin, China. But this course was not introduced by the university. The course is launched by an organization of students of the university. For this, you have to do classes for 32 hours. Its total credit is 2.
According to media reports, the theory will be taught in class. With practical training! In that class will also be taught useful for association! Both written and practical classes will be conducted in this course. Social civility and politeness will be taught.
In a news report of China Daily, the course director has been quoted as saying that those who will enroll in this course, if they can get a friend or girlfriend with proper training and build a good relationship, they will only be given full marks, otherwise they will fail! And so to pass, the class must be practiced properly.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০২১ 3:07 pm
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