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The 'artificial' kidney has started working!

The Dhaka Times Desk The 'artificial' kidney has really started working now! Japanese scientists have obtained promising results by adding artificial kidneys made in the laboratory to the body of several animals.

Work has started artificial kidney

With this success of the scientists, it is considered that the possibility of similar kidney transplantation in the human body has gone one step further. BBC news.

According to media reports, Takashi Yaku, a researcher at Tokyo's GKE University School of Medicine, and his colleagues created additional drainage tubes that would support the kidneys of certain animals through a stem cell method. It has a sac or bladder attached to collect and hold urine. By attaching it to the animal's original bladder, the researchers found that the enlarged bladder was still functioning properly after 8 weeks. Transplanted bladders in mice and pigs are able to produce urine just like natural kidneys.

In the research report published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it is also said that these Japanese researchers have also obtained positive results by applying the method of adding an additional bladder to eliminate kidney dysfunction. It will take a few more years to apply this method to humans. However, this research has specified a goal of creating human organs.

According to the news, Chris Mason, a stem cell and medicine expert at the University College London (UCL) in the United Kingdom, said in reference to the Japanese research that it is a wonderful progress. But whether it will work in humans or not, nothing can be said for sure right now. But researchers believe there is a strong possibility of solving the problem by connecting additional tubes to the kidneys of dialysis patients.

It should be noted that many people die of kidney disease in the world every year. There is a chance to save them with a kidney transplant. If it is possible to create functional kidneys in the laboratory from human stem cells, researchers have expressed hope that there will be a revolutionary change in the field of kidney transplantation.
