The Dhaka Times Desk Salinas is a wonderful village in the Dominican Republic. Because of this, the amazing village where girls become boys at the age of 12!
Felicia was a 12-year-old girl. But now that boy is called Johnny. His gender has changed. But the villagers of the Dominican Republic have also taken the matter very naturally.
Not only in Johnny's case, many people in this village are undergoing such a transformation at the age of 12. Doctors say that such a change is possible.
According to media reports, many girls in the village of Salinas in the Dominican Republic are turning into boys at the age of 12. This phenomenon is happening there so much that the phenomenon has now become a normal thing for the villagers.
Endocrinologist Dr. Cornell University. Julian Imperetto in the village of Salinas first discovered this phenomenon. He heard the rumor and visited the village. This matter comes to his attention. Then similar events are seen in Zambian villages in Papua New Guinea. Because such an event happens in the world, but it is one in a million. But the matter here is completely different.
It is known about that Johnny of Salinas village, Johnny is now a complete boy physically. 12 years ago she was a girl and her name was Felicia. However, her family brought her up as a girl from birth. Not only Johnny, but many others like him also underwent such a change at the age of 12. A girl at birth but transformed into a boy at puberty. Special names are also used for these children. They are called 'Guevadoses'. It means 'sex in 12 years'. Sometimes called 'machihembras'. Which means 'women first - men later'.
Dr. Imperto investigated them and found out some of the reasons behind it. He said genetic changes occur when the human body lacks an enzyme. A boy or a girl is determined due to this enzyme in the mother's womb. Both boys and girls have a hormone called 'gonads' in the womb. This basically creates a mass between the two legs. It is then determined whether it is a boy or a girl.
Dr. According to Julian Imperetto, what was supposed to happen in the womb is happening 12 years later. By this time their voices are getting heavy and their penises are also moving. This is how a girl transforms into a boy. Here comes a question. And that is why boys are not transformed into girls? However, no response was received. But even if it happens in 12 years, it starts to change from the age of 7/8 years. It is completed till the age of 12 years. So the age of 12 is being identified.
It should be noted that at least 90 children of that Salim have been changed so far. All of them have shorter beards and prostate glands than normal men. References:
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৪, ২০২১ 2:38 pm
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