The Dhaka Times
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60,000 dollars a month super model has no legs!

The Dhaka Times Desk What if there are no legs? A supermodel earns 60 thousand dollars a month! Despite having no legs, a model named Kanya Sesar has overcome obstacles by using desire and morale!

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The 23-year-old girl was born without two legs. However, he did not stop. This young woman overcame obstacles using her indomitable will and determination. He surprised the world by becoming a super model.

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Kanya was born in Thailand. Achal Kanya's parents threw her on the street after birth. Since then, the girl's address has been found in the orphanage. Then he was taken from this orphanage to the United States by the childless couple Jimmy and Marian Cesar. This couple lovingly raised a disabled daughter.

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Exactly 22 years later, the restless girl of that day created a history. Kanya is now a well-known supermodel for various clothing companies. In an interview given to The Independent, Kanya said that he earns 60 thousand dollars a month only from advertising! Source:
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