Categories: Science-invention

Stephen Hawking said now - aliens will take over the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientist Stephen Hawking again. He surprised the people of the world by suddenly expressing his opinion. Now he said - animals of the planet will take over the world!

Scientist Stephen Hawking suddenly made a prediction and shocked the world. Many people cannot accept his statements. Now the scientist Stephen Hawking said another thing. This time he made dire predictions about the animals of the planet. In Hawking's words, 'extraterrestrial beings (ETs) who are far more advanced in science than we are, are a grave danger if they ever come to visit Earth. They will conquer us and make us their obedient slaves.'

Scientist Stephen Hawking also said, 'They will make the world their own colony or colony by giving us away. If these extraterrestrial beings, far more advanced than us, come to visit the earth, it will bring more bad consequences than good for us. Its results will never be positive.

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In an interview given to Spain's 'El País' newspaper, Professor Stephen Hawking, the world's most talked about astrophysicist, said, 'If extraterrestrial animals continue to travel to Earth, the result will be similar to what happened after Columbus set foot on the American continent. It did not bode well for the early inhabitants of America. Such advanced aliens may have a nomadic nature. Whichever planet they are able to reach, they will demolish that planet. Then there will stick to establish their colony or colony.'

Scientist Stephen Hawking believes that there is no doubt in his mind that there are intelligent beings on the planet. He said, 'My mathematical mind says, if we keep only the numbers in mind, then the idea of the existence of planetary beings is perfectly logical. The real challenge is figuring out what the aliens will look like.'

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৪, ২০১৫ 7:40 pm

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