Categories: international news

'I eat cow - I will eat it in the future' - retired Indian judge Markandeya Kartju

The Dhaka Times Desk Retired Justice Markandeya Kartju said, 'I eat beef - I will eat it in the future too', after an old man was beaten to death in India's Uttar Pradesh over rumors of eating beef.

Recently in India there is a lot of uproar in Uttar Pradesh over the rumor of eating beef. Markandeya Kurtju, a retired judge of the Supreme Court of the country, commented that this incident was politically motivated.

Justice Markandeya Kurtju said, 'A cow is just an animal. A cow can never be anyone's mother. If I love to eat beef, no one is harmed. People all over the world eat beef. It is debated only in our country.'

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Justice Markandeya Kurtju also said, 'I eat beef all the time. I was not harmed. I will eat beef in future too.'

It is to be noted that recently, in Dardi, a person was beaten to death for the crime of eating beef, and protests are continuing in various places. India's two Union Ministers and the country's Prime Minister Narendra Modi also protested and called on everyone to unite regardless of religion and caste.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ২১, ২০১৮ 11:24 pm

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