Categories: Science-invention

Paper cars will run on the road!

The Dhaka Times Desk Technology is advancing at its own pace. Its spread is happening gradually. After many inventions such as oil-free cars, flying cars, this invention is a paper car.

The Japanese are no match for cars. Origami is a unique form of their handiwork. Origami is an exceptional art in which many beautiful things can be created using paper. Among these many things are fruits-roots, plants-plants, animals-animals, boats-ships, the latest addition is cars.

It is known that this art is very popular with the Japanese. We all know that the famous Japanese car manufacturer Toyota has a reputation for making luxury high-tech cars around the world. Now they made a sedan car made of paper! This car will drive on the road like any other car!

This car is prepared with lasers. Expertly cut 17's reusable cardboard, aluminum and steel frames are used. This paper car is believed to be a unique example of the craftsmanship of Japanese Lexus craftsmen.

According to media reports, the production line workers of the Lexus car manufacturer worked tirelessly to create this full-size precision-cut cardboard Lexus paper car. Now it's just a matter of seeing when it hits the streets.


This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৯, ২০১৫ 10:35 pm

Staff reporter

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