The Dhaka Times Desk Here comes the birth control pill for men. A group of Japanese researchers discovered the formula of this birth control pill for men.
A team of researchers from Osaka University's Research Institute for Microbial Diseases tested the PPP3CC and PPP3R2 proteins of calcineurin in male mice. The study found that male mice with low levels of PPP3R2 could not produce PPP3CC. The results of this study were recently published in the Los Angeles Times.
The researchers treated these mice as knockout mice. The researchers found that mating female mice with knockout mice did not result in fertilization of the female mice. After testing, the researchers found that the sperm in the knockout mice could not penetrate the zona pellucida membrane of the ovary. The researchers reported that the sperm from the knockout mice could not wag their tails like normal sperm. Because of this, these sperms are unable to penetrate the ovum membrane.
The researchers continued their research. As a next step in the study, healthy normal mice were treated with cyclosporine A and FK506. The researchers found that the rats lost their sexual ability for 2 consecutive weeks during the experiment, and their sexual ability returned a week after the experiment was stopped. Based on this research, researchers are considering using sperm calcinerium as a male birth control pill.
The drug has been experimentally applied only to the body of rats. It is still in its early stages. However, after completing the research, one day the drug will definitely be available in the market - the researchers expressed optimism.
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১০, ২০১৫ 10:17 pm
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