The Dhaka Times Desk: Does eating tamarind reduce intelligence - we have heard more or less from childhood, and many people think that eating tamarind is harmful to health and causes blood loss. This idea is completely wrong. Tamarind is rich in herbs and nutrients. The nutritional quality of tamarind controls high blood pressure in the body and is very beneficial for heart patients. The modern use of tamarind is to reduce blood cholesterol.
Introduction: Local name is tamarind, English name is tamarind and scientific name is Tamarindus inaidka.
Caste: Turmeric is cultivated more or less everywhere in the country. It has no approved varieties.
Nutritional quality: The dietary energy of tamarind comes mainly from carbohydrates. Every 1-2 cups of tamarind provides 140 kcal, which includes 34 grams of sugar, 3 grams of fiber and 2 grams of fat. Tamarind has no fat at all. It is also a good source of vitamin C and iron. Although not vitamin B, tamarind is rich in B-vitamins, thiamin and niacin. It is also rich in potassium and magnesium.
Medicinal properties:
*Tul is a popular herb fruit. Beetroot syrup is useful in relieving flatulence and burning hands and feet.
* Boiling the young leaves of Tetul and consuming the water cures cold and cough.
* Tartar contains tartaric acid which improves digestion.
* Headache, Kachu, Dhutra and alcohol poisoning are cured by drinking tetul syrup.
*Tatula syrup works to cure high blood pressure and helps restore sensation in paralyzed limbs.
* Powdered bark of the tree works to relieve toothache, wheezing, and burning eyes.
* * In Ayurvedic medicine tamarind is used to treat gastric and heart ailments and tamarind flower juice to treat piles.
*Tamarind reduces blood cholesterol. Reduces obesity. Consuming tamarind syrup is good for stomach gas.
* Ripe tamarind is expectorant and carminative, increases appetite and warms semen. The bark, flowers, leaves, seeds and fruits of the tamarind tree are all used medicinally!
*Tamarind leaf juice is anthelmintic and cures eye inflammation. Gargling with ripe tamarind water is beneficial for sores or sores on the mouth. Tamarind is useful in chest palpitation, dizziness and blood flow
Prohibition: Eating tamarind is prohibited for kidney patients due to excess of potassium and oxalic acid. Tamarind is also on the taboo list in case of jaundice.
Nutrient content per 100 grams of tamarind:
The amount of ingredients is the portion that meets the daily requirement
Food Grade 5.1 g - 13%
Thiamine 0.43 mg 36%
Niacin 1.94 mg 12%
Vitamin C 3.5 mg 6%
Potassium 628 mg 13%
Iron 2.80 mg 35%
Magnesium 92 mg 23%
Copper .86 mg 9.5%
Calcium 74 mg 7%
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৬, ২০২৫ 11:23 am
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