The Dhaka Times
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Love movie 'Ajab Prem' starring Anchal is releasing tomorrow.

The Dhaka Times Desk Ajab Prem directed by Wazed Ali Suman and starring Anchal-Bappi is releasing tomorrow (Friday). Even before the release of the film, Aanchal has been widely criticized.

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'Ajab Prem' is going to be released across the country tomorrow (Friday) on October 16. Actress Anchal and Bappi played the lead roles in this film.

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Before the release of this film, there is a storm of criticism about a song on social media. This criticism is about a romantic song titled 'Aaj du'chokhe khukhe a man'.

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Actor Bappi performed with Aanchal in this song. Aanchal has never been seen in such an open way before so much criticism has started.

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But Aanchal lovers blamed the director for this open song of Aanchal. Their statement is, 'Anchal did not show himself so openly of his own accord; The director did it.

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