The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, October 16, 2015 AD, 1 Kartik 1422 Bingabd, 2 Muharram 1437 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.
The picture you are looking at is the Guthia Jame Masjid in Barisal. This mosque is very beautiful. This magnificent mosque will move anyone's heart.
Changuria village of Guthia in Uzirpur upazila on Barisal-Banaripara road. This village has the largest Guthia Jame Masjid in the southern region.
On December 16, 2003, a resident of Guthia Union of Uzirpur, academician and political figure S. Sarfuddin Ahmed started construction of Guthia Baitul Aman Jame Masjid-Idgah complex on about 14 acres of land in front of his house in Santu Changuria. S. performed the responsibility of implementing the construction work. Sarfuddin's younger brother Md. Aminul Islam Nipu.
In 2006, the construction of the Jame Masjid-Eidgah complex was completed. During the construction period, a large mosque-minar, Eidgah grounds with a capacity of more than 20,000, orphanage, construction of a post office bungalow, car parking system, lake-pond digging, planting of various species of trees, flower garden and lighting system were completed.
It is known that about 2 lakh 10 thousand construction workers worked in that construction work. Later the mosque came to be known as Guthiya. S. Sarfuddin Ahmed bore the cost of its construction. To the right of the main entrance to the complex is a large pond. The mosque is on the west side of the pond. The height of the minaret near this mosque is 193 feet. It is believed to be one of the most beautiful mosques in Bangladesh.
Info: Courtesy of Thanks to Kamal Uddin for the picture.
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৪, ২০১৫ 7:39 pm
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