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Now Japan is bringing the robot phone!

The Dhaka Times Desk Another addition is about to happen in the world of technology. Now Japan is bringing the robot phone. The famous Japanese multinational corporation Sharp has announced this robot phone.

Japan Creating robot phone

Japan's famous multinational corporation Sharp has announced the launch of a robot phone for the first time in the world. The robot phone that will adorn the pocket has been named 'Robohon'.

The famous company believes that this small and attractive touch screen phone from Sharp will easily impress the buyers. Tokyo's famous professor roboticist Tomotaka Takahashi is working on the device development of this phone. This new type of touch screen 'Robohon' phone can reach the buyers next year. However, the date and price of the phone has not yet been announced.

It has been reported that the Robohon phone will be able to walk as it has arms and legs. Not just walking, this Borot phone will dance if you ask! With this phone you can receive calls, reply to call-messages, take pictures and make videos.

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