The Dhaka Times
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Farmer Nazrul's last film 'Antaranga' is releasing on November 6

The Dhaka Times Desk The release date of renowned filmmaker Chashi Nazrul Islam's last film 'Antaranga' has been decided. The film is releasing on November 6.


Meanwhile, Alisha Pradhan, the film's heroine and producer, is promoting the film. 'Antaranga' is produced by actress Alisha Pradhan's own company Carnival Motion Pictures. Eamon acted opposite Alisha in the film. Apart from this, there are Diti, Aruna Biswas etc.


Regarding the film, Alisha said, 'After the film was censored a few days ago, it was thought to be released on Qorbani Eid, but later this new date has been postponed.'


Actor Eamon said, 'This is one of the last films of Sir (Chashi Nazrul). We want to honor him through work. He will live in His creation.' Another film directed by farmer Nazrul Islam 'Bhul Je Hai' has already been completed. This film stars Alisha, Eamon and Samrat. However, the release date of the film has not been decided yet.

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